🔎 Self-Screen, Fight Cancer

Good morning, Other Siders!

Who ordered the extra-large serving of chilly weather across North America? Well, while we're bundled up, let's warm our spirits with the latest edition of “The Other Side of the Care”! A special shout-out to our new subscribers who've joined in the last two weeks - you're in for a treat!

As we shake off the snowflakes, it's time to delve into the sizzling updates from the healthcare industry. Whether you’re cozied up at home or out braving the cold, our newsletter is here to bring you the most engaging and insightful healthcare news. So, get comfortable, and let's embark on this journey together. Today’s stories are sure to be more exhilarating than finding that last pair of warm socks on a cold morning!

In today’s edition, we’re serving up:

  • ✅ Revamping Ontario's Healthcare Strategy

  • ✅ Major Funding for Healthcare: Boon or Band-Aid?

  • ✅ Innovations in Women’s Health and Contraception

  • ✅ WHO’s Focus on Advancing Health Equity

Dive in and enjoy the ride. 🚀

News that Impacts You!

🤕 Ontario's 11-Point Fix!

In Ontario, doctors are sounding the alarm: a serious family doctor shortage, increasing healthcare worker burnout, and growing emergency department wait times are pushing the healthcare system to its limits. Dr. Andrew Park, representing Ontario’s doctors, is advocating for an 11-point plan to revitalize healthcare, prioritizing primary care. Imagine this: 2.3 million Ontarians, possibly doubling by 2026, without a family doctor. It's like being in line for a concert that never starts.

💡 $86M Boost: Panacea or Placebo?

Did you hear about the government dropping $86 million to jazz up our healthcare workforce? That's right, they're speeding up the process for internationally educated health pros to work here. Imagine, 6,600 new faces in healthcare! And, dental schools are getting a special boost with $8.3 million. But, it's not all about training. We need mentors and support to make sure these newbies thrive. Think about it: next time you're in a clinic, you might meet a doctor or nurse who's part of this program.

What do you think? Is this the fix we've been waiting for, or just a drop in the ocean?

💭Let us know what you think by writing to us at [email protected]

Tools & Tech to Keep a Tab On!

👩🏼‍⚕️ Empowering Health at Home: B.C. Launches Canada's First Self-Screening Cervical Cancer Plan

British Columbia is making history by launching Canada's first-ever self-screening cervical cancer plan, featuring at-home tests. This groundbreaking initiative empowers individuals to take charge of their health with user-friendly tests, eliminating barriers to screening as Canada grapples with a widespread shortage of doctors. By bringing cervical cancer screening into the comfort of homes, the program aims to boost early detection and accessibility, marking a significant step forward in women's health

🧑‍💻 Health Canada Grants Approval to Natural Cycles: A Non-Hormonal Birth Control App

Natural Cycles, a birth control app, has received approval from Health Canada. The approval signifies that the app complies with the necessary standards and regulations for use as a contraceptive method. Natural Cycles utilizes a combination of fertility tracking and temperature measurements to help users monitor their menstrual cycles and identify fertile days. The approval by Health Canada indicates a recognition of the app's effectiveness and safety in providing a non-hormonal birth control option for women.

Evolving Global Health

🚭️ Birthing Dilemma: Puerto Rico's Cesarean Surge Sparks Concerns and Calls for Action

In Puerto Rico, the delivery room is witnessing a dramatic surge in cesarean deliveries, hitting a record high. This soaring trend, surpassing recommended rates, sparks concerns about potential health risks. The article explores the reasons behind this surge, touching on cultural preferences, medical practices, and even maternal requests. As the island grapples with this concerning uptick, there's a growing call for investigation and regulation to ensure the well-being of both mothers and babies during childbirth. It's a story that delves into the complexities of maternity care in Puerto Rico, raising important questions about the balance between tradition and medical guidelines.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced the development of a guideline specifically addressing the health of trans and gender-diverse people. This forthcoming guideline aims to focus on various aspects, including the provision of respectful and inclusive health services that cater to the unique needs of trans and gender-diverse individuals. Additionally, it will address health policies to ensure equitable access and promote the overall well-being of this population. The initiative reflects a commitment to enhancing healthcare inclusivity and understanding the diverse health needs of trans and gender-diverse individuals worldwide.


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👋See you in two weeks on the Other Side!