🤔 Is Your Health Care Worth $16,950?

Good morning, Other Siders!

Ready to dive into the coolest healthcare shenanigans? We've got the juiciest insights on Canada's healthcare, served with a side of global gags. 🌎🤣

In honour of our Canadian roots, let's raise our maple syrup mugs for National Ice Cream Sandwich Day! 🍦🍪 Because, hey, who says we can't indulge in some healthcare wisdom and a little brain freeze at the same time? 😜

Buckle up for the wildest ride through the healthcare industry. It's informative, it's intriguing, and it's all for you, the amazing Other Siders! ✨ 

News that impacts you!

😱 Healthcare Sticker Shock

Ever wondered how much you're actually shelling out for public healthcare insurance? Brace yourself! A new study by the Fraser Institute reveals that a typical family of four will cough up a whopping $16,950 this year alone! Crazy, right? 😱 

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And get this, most of you don't even realize it since it's cleverly hidden in your taxes. Sneaky, sneaky! 🕵️‍♂️ The cost has skyrocketed since 1997, even outpacing your income growth!

💸💨 Time to take a closer look and ask ourselves, is this healthcare system really working for us?

🌈 Transgender Healthcare Revolution in NS!

Big news for our transgender and gender-diverse friends in Nova Scotia! Starting July 28, they'll get more supportive healthcare with the new Gender-Affirming Care Policy.

The aim? High-quality, timely, and safe services, including eligibility criteria, covered services, and roles of healthcare pros.

This change simplifies processes and removes barriers. Go, Nova Scotia! But wait, will other provinces follow suit?

👀 Diabetes Meds: Safe or Scary?🤞

Health Canada is keeping a close eye on certain diabetes and weight-loss drugs amid concerns of a possible link to suicide risk. This class of drugs, called GLP-1 receptor agonists, has been under review by health agencies in Europe too.

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So, what's the deal? 🤔 These meds have been used for over 15 years, and while they're intended to treat diabetes, they've also been used for weight loss. But some reports suggest they might impact mental health, including suicidal thoughts. 😟 

Health Canada is checking the data, and if they find safety risks, they'll take appropriate action.

Have you or someone you know ever experienced adverse effects from any medications?

💡🤔 Should Health Care Be Pay-to-Play?

Health Canada has dropped a bombshell on Alberta officials, saying that allowing patients to "purchase preferential access" at a Calgary clinic violates the Canada Health Act! 💣

The clinic in question was planning to switch to a membership model with hefty fees ranging from $2,200 to $4,800 per year. But hold on, hold on! Health Canada says access to health care should be based on medical need, not on your ability to pay up! 💸

Now, Alberta's Premier and Health Minister are launching an investigation, and other private clinics could face the heat too! 🔥 The feds might even claw back funds from provinces allowing these practices! Yikes! 😬

🚨 But the bigger issue is: is this the start of a slippery slope to a two-tier health care system? 😕 Some experts think so, and they fear it could hurt those who need care the most. 😔

💭Let us know what you think by writing to us at [email protected]

Tools & Tech to Keep a Tab On!

☎️ Calling 988: Nationwide Mental Health Crisis Hotline

Canada is set to launch a nationwide free texting or calling service on Nov. 30 for those struggling with mental health issues. An investment of $156 million will be made over three years to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health for the 988: Suicide Crisis Helpline.

The aim is to provide immediate, confidential, judgment-free and culturally sensitive support- 24/7 in both English and French. The federal government has already been working with the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to implement the hotline. However, initial success factors still depend on the 10-digit dialling facility to be made available across Canada and on sufficient responders to be available to meet the need.

😖 Before You Burn Out, Check This Out!

A web-based app called Scribeberry, co-founded by Dr. Zaahir Moloo (Edmonton-based physician) and Amaan Rattansi (software developer) has been gaining popularity across Alberta & Ontario. The app utilizes AI to generate medical dictations, transcriptions and chart notes as a means to reduce administrative burden.

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The app can generate notes automatically during consultations as healthcare professionals speak to their patients and additional uses include- automatically generating insurance forms, letters, and applications. The app already has over 2,000 healthcare professionals signed up. Furthermore, Scribeberry has also partnered with the Microsoft for Startups program - which provides funding and tech support.

Shoppers Drug Mart: Expanding Access to Care

Shoppers Drug Mart has opened two pharmacy care clinics located at Headon Plaza in Burlington and Meadowvale Town Centre in Mississauga. The aim is to reduce the load on the healthcare system through the expanded scope of practice for pharmacists. A range of services are available including assessment and treatment of common ailments, in a familiar walk-in clinic setting.

Pharmacists can diagnose and help treat urinary tract infections, cold sores, hemorrhoids, allergies, colds, pink eye, insect bites and tick bites. The clinics have also been redesigned with ‘patient-friendly’ features including a counter for prescriptions, secure lockers for prescription refill orders, a care concierge, child-friendly consultation rooms and ‘Let’s Talk’ spaces for counselling. The overall goal is to enable convenient access to care for common ailments for all. Appointments at the clinics can be booked and walk-ins are also welcomed.

Evolving Global Health

🪲 You Don’t Want to be Bitten by this Alpha-‘gal’

A rare and life-threatening rare meat allergy from tick bites is on the rise in America. The allergy can trigger a potentially fatal reaction to several types of meat or animal products. It is transmitted by the saliva after being bitten by the lone star tick which is mostly found in southern and eastern parts of the US. Symptoms include stomach cramps, diarrhea, hives and shortness of breath that could trigger fatal anaphylaxis. However, symptoms can differ from patient to patient and that adds to the complexity of diagnosis. According to the CDC, from 2017 to 2021, the number of cases increased by around 15,000 per year. Prevention includes the use of insect repellents, cover-up while going outdoors and regular checks for tick bites.

🇳🇬 Just the Same Ol’, Same Ol’ Pain

On Wednesday (July 26), an indefinite strike was initiated by frontline doctors of Nigerian public hospitals. Strikes by doctors are common in Nigeria as with many other nations over poor conditions of service.

This time the strike was sparked by an increase in transport fares, the failure of the government to review members' salaries before and after the subsidy was removed, and shortages of manpower as doctors leave for better-paying jobs abroad. An 8-week timeline was set in June between the main labour unions and the government to raise the minimum wage in response to high fuel prices and appeals are ongoing to ensure the doctors stop their strike.

🧠 Much-Needed Push for Mental Health Coverage

In a new development, President Biden’s administration plans to push for a policy that would ensure private insurance companies cover mental health services as they do for physical health. The rule will ensure compliance with a 2008 law that required equality between mental and physical health coverage through private insurers. The reality ever since has been one of low compliance and consumers are forced to access mental health care out of network, at high costs and out-of-pocket. The timeline for implementation is still unknown however, there will be a 60-day public comment period prior to implementation. This is indeed an attractive proposition and the US could set the stage for many more to follow.

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