🦠📚 COVID's Collateral Damage?

Good morning, Other Siders!

It's December 6, and we're revving up our sleighs here at The Other Side of the Care! A jolly ho-ho-hello to our fabulous new members who've hopped on board in the last two weeks - welcome to the merry band of the most informed healthcare enthusiasts around the globe! 🌍

As the snowflakes dance and the holiday season twinkles upon us, we're wrapping up our penultimate edition for 2023. Yes, you read it right - only one more to go before we wrap this year in a big, glittery bow! 🎁

So, as you sip your peppermint mocha or munch on gingerbread cookies, let's unwrap the latest and greatest in healthcare. From Canadian breakthroughs to global health trends, we've got it all. And trust us, it's more exciting than finding the perfect Secret Santa gift! 🎅

In today’s edition, we’re serving up:

  • ✅Healthcare Access Crisis: 4.6 Million People Left Without Doctors

  • ✅Impact of Budget Cuts on Public Services

  • ✅Controversy Over Travel Nurses in Newfoundland

  • ✅Innovations and Challenges in Global Healthcare: From Canadian Eye Care to Walking Pneumonia in China

Dive in and enjoy the ride. 🚀

News that Impacts You!

👥 4.6M Without Doctors: Acceptable?

A new report just dropped, saying we're way behind our pals when it comes to spending on primary healthcare and getting people their own family doctors. Countries with strong primary care systems are living the dream - better outcomes, lower costs, and fairer for everyone. This isn't just a hunch; it's in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, comparing us with countries like the UK, Norway, and Germany. These guys have their citizens paired up with family doctors like it's a matchmaking service, and it's working wonders. Meanwhile, Canada's throwing less cash into healthcare, we've got a family doctor drought, and our new docs are choosing specialties over general practice. So, we've got 4.6 million Canadians without a family doc. That's like the entire population of Montreal and Calgary combined, roaming around doctor-less. And get this: our family doctors are burning out faster than a cheap candle. So, Canada, how are we going to step up our healthcare game?

💱 Budget Cuts Bite!

Windsor-Essex County Health Unit is facing a budget crisis! They're getting a mere 1% yearly increase from the province, which is like trying to fill a swimming pool with a teaspoon. The result? Layoffs for about 10% of the staff. We're talking nutritionists, health promotion specialists, youth engagement professionals gone. This is happening while they're still juggling COVID-19 duties, but without extra provincial dough. The Ministry of Health is like, "We've given you 13% more since 2018, plus pandemic cash," but clearly, it's not enough. With crucial programs on the chopping block, staff are reeling. Think about it: you survive a pandemic, only to face job cuts?

🤔 Overpaying Nurses: Why, Newfoundland?

In Newfoundland and Labrador, there's a bit of a kerfuffle with nurses. Travel nurses, who cost a pretty penny, are getting shifts before full-time and casual nurses. It's got the nurses' union, representing over 5,800 healthcare heroes, in a twist. They're like, "Why are we paying top dollar for travel nurses when we've got our own skilled folks?" They've even filed grievances, 18 in total, to highlight this issue. The Health Department's response? It's a tough nursing shortage, and travel nurses are a temporary fix. But get this, the union's president, Yvette Coffey, argues it's not matching up with the Health Minister's goal to phase out travel nursing.

Is this the best use of taxpayer dollars, especially when it could be supporting local nurses? 

💭Let us know what you think by writing to us at [email protected]

Tools & Tech to Keep a Tab On!

👁️ ZEISS Unveils VERACITY Surgery Planner: A Canadian Eye Care Revolution! 👁️ 

ZEISS, a pioneer in eye care technology, has just launched the VERACITY Surgery Planner in Canada, marking a groundbreaking leap in ophthalmic surgical practices. The platform creates a seamless digital workflow by integrating data from electronic medical records and diagnostic devices, providing surgeons with instant, secure access to relevant patient information and tools. Key features include comprehensive data integration, efficient surgical planning, enhanced safety measures, customizable workflows, and a user-friendly interface. VERACITY is a surgeon's dream and aims to elevate patient care and surgical precision in cataract surgery, setting new standards for healthcare technology.

📱 🔇🤝 Tukisiutik: A Linguistic Marvel Revolutionizing Healthcare Communication

The Nunavik Regional Board of Health and Social Services has launched the Tukisiutik Application, a health app designed to bridge language gaps between health-care professionals and Inuktitut speakers. The app, available on the Apple App Store, aims to improve accessibility and communication for Inuktitut speakers by providing features such as a bilingual symptom index, a pain rating scale, an anatomical glossary in English, French, and Inuktitut, and audio pronunciations of medical terms in both languages. Acknowledging the importance of sharing precise health-care information, the app was created with the support of the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer and Health Canada. Furthermore, it serves as a linguistic lifeline, and a testament to the power of technology in fostering inclusivity in health care!

💬 📲 A Beacon of Hope in Mental Health Crisis 🙏 

Canada has launched its 988 hotline, akin to 911, offering immediate, free, and round-the-clock support for those in a mental health crisis. With a goal to prevent suicide through timely assistance via calls and texts, the federally funded service is a crucial response to the pressing need for mental health support in Canada, where around 4,500 suicides occur annually. The hotline is inclusive, providing specialized support for children, teens, and Indigenous individuals, supported by a network of 39 partners. Its launch, following the successful implementation of 10-digit dialing, marks a significant step, with CAMH monitoring its performance closely.

Evolving Global Health

🐽 😟 UK Piggyback Alert: UK Records First Human Case of Swine Flu Strain H1N2

The UK has identified its first human case of the swine flu strain H1N2. The infected person, who had contact with pigs, is reported to be in stable condition. The H1N2 strain is a combination of swine, avian, and human influenza viruses. Authorities are monitoring the situation closely, and there is no evidence of sustained human-to-human transmission at this point. The case serves as a reminder of the importance of surveillance and prompt response to potential influenza threats.

Fashion Photography GIF by 60 Second Docs


🦟 China Grapples with Walking Pneumonia Outbreak

China is experiencing an outbreak of walking pneumonia, with an increase in cases reported in several provinces. This comes as many other countries are also witnessing a surge in respiratory infections. Walking pneumonia, caused by the bacterium Mycoplasma pneumoniae, is a milder form of pneumonia with symptoms like persistent cough, fever, and fatigue. The situation in China has prompted health authorities to advise precautions and emphasize the importance of early diagnosis and treatment. The rise in respiratory infections globally raises concerns, and health measures are being urged to mitigate the spread of such illnesses.

📈What’s Trending🔥


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👋See you in two weeks on the Other Side!