🤖👨‍⚕️ AI Assisting, Not Replacing!

Good morning, Other Siders!

Guess what’s popping more than popcorn in a microwave? The Other Side of the Care, sliding into your inbox like a ninja on roller skates!🥷

Ready to unwrap the latest healthcare goodies from Canada and around the globe? We’ve got insights juicier than a September apple! 🍏 So, buckle up, because we’re about to take you on a ride through the healthcare wonderland, where the knowledge is sweet, and the laughs are contagious – literally!

In today’s edition, we’re serving up:

  • ✅ Nova Scotia's wallet is feeling a pinch!

  • ✅ Alberta tackles the big "R" in healthcare.

  • ✅ AI's new role in spotting delirium.

  • ✅ Is virtual care still the cool kid on the block?

  • ✅WHO's new app: A game-changer for abortion care

And there's more where that came from! Dive in and enjoy the ride. 🚀

News that impacts you!

💰🏥 Pay Up, Nova Scotia!

Nova Scotia's healthcare admin workers might strike, three years post-contract expiration. Main issue? Wages. While nurses and doctors got their deals, admin wages lag behind inflation. Some earn just $18/hr, juggling second jobs. These 5,000+ workers keep healthcare ticking. Premier Houston assures no disruption in essential services. Both sides hint at resuming talks. Canadians, expect potential healthcare scheduling hiccups.

🤔 Racism in Healthcare? Alberta Responds!

Siksika Nation and CPSA ink a historic MOU, aiming to tackle systemic racism in Alberta’s healthcare. It’s a monumental step, blending Indigenous wisdom into medical frameworks. For Canadians, especially Indigenous folks, this means a stride towards equitable healthcare. A model move, but remember, it’s step one in a long journey!

🧠🔍 Delirium Detection? Thanks, AI!

AI's making waves in Canadian healthcare. Grand River Hospital is using it to predict patient needs, potentially freeing up beds faster. Meanwhile, St. Michael’s in Toronto? They're catching delirium with 90% accuracy, thanks to AI. Impact? Better patient care & resource management. But don't stress, robots aren't replacing our docs. Just giving them a techy hand!

📲 Virtual Care: Hot or Not?

Virtual healthcare's kinda like that Drake song that was hot, then cooled down, but still has its fans. Usage dropped to 34% this year from 43% in 2021. But here's the twist: those with major injuries, mental health issues, or young children, they're all about that virtual life. And while only 33% know their benefits plan offers it, a whopping 68% would jump on board if it did. Especially the young ones and those seeking mental health therapy. But, only 29% of employers are offering it.

Would you use virtual health care if it was part of your benefits?

💭Let us know what you think by writing to us at [email protected]

Tools & Tech to Keep a Tab On!

🧑‍🎓 👨‍💻 Med School Meets AI: Calgary Student Creates App for Practice Perfection!

A new AI-powered app created by a Calgary medical student to assist medical students in practicing patient interactions. The app provides a virtual platform where medical students can engage with simulated patient scenarios, improving their communication and clinical skills before they start their medical practices. This innovative tool aims to enhance the training experience for medical students in Calgary.

🇨🇦 🏘️ Self-Administered HPV Testing Comes Home to Canada

Switch Health, a Canadian healthcare company, has introduced a groundbreaking product in Canada—a home-based HPV (Human Papillomavirus) test. This innovative offering allows individuals to self-administer HPV tests in the comfort and privacy of their homes. The product launch aims to enhance accessibility to critical healthcare services, making it easier for people to monitor their health and detect HPV, which is linked to cervical cancer. This development represents a significant step in advancing healthcare accessibility and prevention efforts in Canada.

📱 WHO Launches Mobile App to Enhance Abortion Care Worldwide

The World Health Organization (WHO) has introduced a new mobile phone app designed to assist healthcare workers in delivering comprehensive abortion care. This app offers guidance, information, and tools to support healthcare providers in offering safe and effective abortion services. It aims to improve the quality of care and accessibility of abortion services, especially in areas with limited resources or expertise, ultimately contributing to better reproductive healthcare for women worldwide.

Evolving Global Health

🧠 Unmasking Pseudodementia: The Reversible Rival of Dementia on World Alzheimer's Day 2023"

World Alzheimer's Day, observed on September 21, is a global awareness day dedicated to shedding light on cognitive disorders and their effects on individuals and families. Among these conditions, 'Pseudodementia' stands out, resembling dementia symptoms but being reversible and rooted in factors like depression or stress. Timely identification and suitable interventions for pseudodementia can greatly enhance cognitive function and overall quality of life for affected individuals. This day served as a poignant reminder of the importance of awareness and early intervention in managing cognitive disorders.

🔎Pandemic Reflection: Australia Launches Extensive COVID-19 Response Inquiry

Australia is set to conduct a major inquiry into its response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The inquiry will investigate various aspects of the country's pandemic response, including quarantine measures, vaccine rollout, and border control. It aims to assess the effectiveness of these strategies and identify any shortcomings or areas for improvement. The inquiry reflects Australia's commitment to evaluating its pandemic response comprehensively and making necessary adjustments to enhance its preparedness and response capabilities in the future.

GIF via Giphy

📈What’s Trending🔥


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